Welcome to 3rd International Virtual Conference ‘Managing the Future. Changes and Proposals for Post-pandemic Society’,
organized by SBRlab Research Group.
Open period for sending papers and communications until October 30th
When many countries were on their way to economic recovery after the impact of the 2008-2015 crisis, the onset of a new socioeconomic crisis foretells a future of considerable difficulty for the world’s economies and societies. The pandemic caused by SARS-COV-19 has has devastating effect on productive capacity, employment, the viability of thousands of companies and the welfare state itself. This effect has been particulary acute in the health system, which has been put to the test continuously, and it is clear that it needs to be reinforced against threats of a biological nature. Social behaviours, the essence of societies, have had an impact on the way politics is done and have strained international relations as a result of border closures and the race to find an effective vaccination that can be produced and distributed efficiently. As far as legal issues concerned, countries have had to cope with new situations that have required legal adjustments and the enactment of new laws affecting the economy and mobility. The new legal framework and the economic crisis has also forced the business world to rethink how to it approaches such varied issues as customer relations and the search for new leadership models. Nevertheless, despite the pandemic, the systemic structures of societies have withstood the battering by a situation alien to the generations living in the developed countries since health emergencies are frequent in other parts of the globe. This also reveals an ethnocentric gaze, wich ignores the impact of the biological threats that much of the planet has to put up with without the necessary or sufficient health resources.

On the occasion of our 3rd Conference, we aim organise a rigorous discussion on the impact that the pandemic has had on various areas of society and provide an opportunity to debate the changes that need to be made and to propose solutions to the social problems created by the health, economic, social, political, insititutional crisis. For this reason we are particulary interested in those contributions that bring new ideas and strategies using multidisciplinary approaches. The 3rd International SBRLab Conference, Managing the future: Changes and proposals for post-pandemic society is organized by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili’s Social and Business Research Lab (SBRLab). The conference is an international and virtual meeting point for researches. The aim of the conference is to bring together researches from the field of public and private management, economics and the social and legal sciences to present and discuss new trends in their respective knowledge fields. 

In this Conference with the collaboration of the SMaRT ERASMUS+ project partners https://smarteuproject.eu/, will like to focus in the agri-food sector, the EU’s biggest manufacturing sector in terms of jobs and value added. So, we wellcome papers showing how the agri-food sector has so far responded to the challenges presented by the coronavirus crisi. In general, new agri-food business models, driven by increasing international competition, circular economy and technological developments, require new professional profiles, and to rethink the competencies needed for them. 


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Previous congresses

SBRlab organizes an international congress every three years that allows participants to attend the sessions online from their offices because it is 100% virtual. 
Registred people will participate through a website specifically designed for the congress, which allows attendees to participate in sessions by raising questions and comments through virtual forums. This way of organizing the event is specifically attractive due to the reduction in travel costs, thus giving full prominence to international scientific and academic knowledge.

2nd SBRlab International Virtual Conference

Finding Solutions to Societal Problems

1st SBRlab International Virtual Conference

Finding Solutions for a Post-Crisis Society

Take a look!

Congresses are a meeting point of international, virtual and multidisciplinary research. 


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