Discover all the details about the congress

Publishing opportunities

The minutes of the conference will be published at Publicacions URV as book chapters, with their corresponding ISBN. This record book will be available in electronic version and in print on demand. 
Accepted articles will be assessed for publication in: 
Journal Sistema. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Journal Methaodos.
Journal IUSlabor.
Journal Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología
Collection Quaderns per a la Inclusió Social
Collection Quaderns de la Igualtat
We invite you to have a look at our previous conferences. Click on the images and access to the minutes books! 

2nd SBRlab International Virtual Conference

Finding Solutions to Societal Problems

1st SBRlab International Virtual Conference

Finding Solutions for a Post-Crisis Society

Take a look!

Congresses are a meeting point of international, virtual and multidisciplinary research.