
El IV ISA Forum of Sociology se celebrará en Porto Alegre

El cuarto Fórum de la ISA se celebrará del 23 al 27 de febrero en Porto Alegre (Brasil) bajo el lema ‘Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalitis, Intersectionality. 
Información del programa:
The 2020 ISA Forum will provide sociological analyses of these four global challenges paying particular attention to their interconnections and to possible solutions. We will discuss how both progressive and conservative actors and movements tackle these challenges and their conflictive perspectives. We will use this Forum to ask how our discipline has been meeting these four global challenges and it has been transformed by them. What are the contributions of the actors and epistemologies of the South? What are the new trends in global sociology that allow innovative analyses of these challenges? What are the main obstacles we face to tackle thes problems? How can innovative sociological analyses contribute to grasp and to face our common problems in the Global Age?